0 - 12 Weeks

Why black and white is so riveting to your newborn

Vision is the sense that is least stimulated in the womb, so your baby is hungry to practice looking at things. Right now, vision is their primary method of gathering information.

Decades of research have shown that time spent looking at high-contrast images builds rich neural networks in your baby’s brain.

Over the next few months, your baby will be working hard to get their eyes focused and working together.

At first, their eyes:

  • focus most clearly 8 to 14 inches (ca. 20 to 36 cm) away
  • see best in black and white
  • may be slightly crossed
  • may have trouble tracking moving objects (until about five weeks old)

You may be surprised at how long your baby will focus on and be riveted by a single black and white image!


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Posted in: 0 - 12 Weeks, The Play Gym, The Play Kits, Visual Development, Child Development

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