7 - 8 Months

Household objects your baby will love to play with

Babies love to play with real household objects, especially ones they see you use 🙂

Try putting together a basket of baby-safe items from the rooms where you often spend time, like the bathroom and kitchen.

  • Some bathroom ideas include hair brushes, curlers, combs, and clean toothbrushes, and plastic or wooden bracelets you no longer wear. 
  • In the kitchen, you could include muffin tins, whisks, pastry brushes, plastic containers, plastic plates or cups, pans and lids, measuring spoons, dish towels, and oven mitts.

Note: Watch your baby closely to make sure they don’t put small objects in their mouth. Always supervise your baby around objects with handles, like whisks, brushes, and wooden spoons.


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Posted in: 7 - 8 Months, Containment Play, Playtime & Activities, Real World Play, Child Development

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